Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hanging On To The Tiger's Tail

As tanks and infantry move into the Gaza Strip, Israel has well and truly grabbed the tiger by his tail. The problem now is hanging on long enough to achieve a useful (from the Israeli perspective) outcome.

While there is no doubt that the IDF and the Government of Israel (GOI) have both repented of and learned from the debacle of the 2006 invasion of Lebanon, the operation into the Gaza Strip will be a dans du merde for the guys at the sharp end. It won't be a walk in the sun for the million or so Israeli civilians living within range of Hamas launched artillery rockets. The Geek doesn't envy what will come for any of them in the next few days or weeks.

In addition to the risks of combat in urban terrain against a very defiant, very, very well motivated and literally suicidal opponent, GOI and the people of Israel alike face the real potential of terror at home. Over and beyond those self-evident hazards, GOI must contend with the near universal reprobation of governments and well-meaning folks throughout the world, particularly in the West.

As the Geek has reviewed the tenor of protest against GOI for its air campaign, he has been struck by how much of it exonerates Hamas from all responsibility for the lives and well-being of the citizens under its domination and control. The utter lack of consideration for Hamas having chosen to launch and continue a slow motion war against Israel is nothing short of astonishing. Almost as mind boggling is the continued harping by Ban ki Moon and others of High Mind about the "humanitarian crisis" for the 1.5 million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.

There is no argument with the contention that the civilians of the Strip are in the midst of a genuine humanitarian crisis. There is also no arguing against the fact that the crisis is not of Israeli manufacture.

The crisis is of domestic origin. The crisis today as in the past has been the result of deliberate decision, carefully crafted policy by the local government.

In the old days, Gazans suffered because of Fatah's willingness to use civilian misery and death as a weapon against Israel. Now, it the result of Hamas' even more truculent approach. Hamas is a government of gunsels. It shot its way to power. Then it shot its own people as well as seeking to kill Israelis with rockets, mortars, IEDs, and suicide bombers. Now it hopes to "win" by assuring that so many die in the Strip that the High Minded, Lofty Thinking people in the West will apply sufficient pressure on GOI that the IDF is forced to let go of the tiger's tail.

As numerous previous posts demonstrate, the Geek is not an automatic supporter of GOI policies and practices. Neither is he in favor of the seemingly reflexive support offered to Israel by successive American administrations and Congresses.

This in no way obviates the necessity of acknowledging the onus of responsibility which must be placed on the Arab Muslim population of the Palestine region. The leadership of Fatah, like that of Hamas, acted without regard to the long term best interests of the people who propose to live in an independent country called "Palestine." The leaders of the Arab Muslim population of the disputed region missed the bus on too many occasions to list here--they habitually turned their backs as the bus passed by.

Hamas and other groups and governments have pursued assorted agendas with only one feature in common--the destruction of Israel. In the process, they have callously, cruelly used the hopes and fears, the bodies and lives, of the Arab-Muslim population. They have acted so as to pile the corpses of their own people, their own co-religionists, in heaps almost beyond measure. They have acted in concert with clerics of similar mind to warp Islam, to accentuate the most loathsome features of that religion into a psyops weapon to further the patterns of violent intolerance, absence of forgiveness, ruthless authoritarianism, and endless fear what the world now knows all too well as Islamism and jihadism.

The actions of these self-serving agenda riders have not only caused the local people but the rest of the world pain and misery, war and death, which could and would have been avoided absent these power-lusting pursuers of an impossible dream. Further, their actions, their words, have shredded any legitimate claims Islam may make to being the "religion of peace and tolerance."

Hamas and others from the same mold have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and a far worse crime for which they cannot be indicted before any human court--a crime against the spirits and faith of one and a half billion Muslims.

Even now Hamas will avoid a fair fight with the IDF. The gun thugs of Hamas whose training videos have been posted proudly will do whatever they can to hide and shoot from behind the cover of women and children. Hamas will stoop undoubtedly to the level of using women and children as suicide "volunteers."

All of this will be done in the hope and belief that the resulting carnage will compel the High Minded Lofty thinkers of the UN, the EU and the US to force GOI to call IDF off, to force the IDF to drop the tiger's tail.

When--not if--when that happens, Hamas will be more legitimate. It will be more in power. It's voice will ring louder in the halls of power throughout the Mideast.

This necessarily means that other entities such as Hezbollah and the sponsor of both Hezbollah and Hamas, Iran, will gain authority in a region and a culture where strength is prized above other characteristics. Iran will gain vis a vis the "conservative" states such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

At the same time Israel will be weakened. Its people will be at greater risk. Far afield GOI and the IDF will be seen as bluffers as well as bullies.

Worse, the human race will be the loser. Terror and violence will be emboldened. Islamists and jihadists will be encouraged. The war on terror will continue. The bodies will stretch beyond Mumbai, New York City, London, Madrid. Only the dead will be unafraid.

One can only hope (and pray if so inclined) that the High Minded, Lofty Thinking will not be as potent an ally as Hamas calculates. The Geek is a historian. Cynicism, the occupational disease of the historian, prevents him from being optimistic.

He hopes he is wrong. But, he won't bet the ranch on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment History Geek,

>“If you had read enough of my posts you would have seen that the Geek is not so much anti-Islam as he against all extreme ideologies” = if you mean that my GREAT religion ISLAM is an “extreme ideology”, please re-read some of the Bible, Torah and other sacred scriptures and their history and that of NON-Muslim religious groups and you will hopefully see that you are much more than prejudiced against Islam. That said, let me tell you that while I’m a deeply religious, practising Muslim, I have read the Bible and enjoy reading about and trying to understand other religions far from any prejudice or misconception about them because this is what Allah urges us to do. And all that helped me in checking and knowing better the real value of ISLAM and the luck I am in to be Muslim.

>“He has rigorously condemed Israeli excesses” = oh yes indeed, this is what I perceive in your post… Failing to notice the FACT that Israel (a military superpower) bombarding cowardly a part of a country it colonised and killing shamelessly hundreds of innocent people because a minuscule group armed with firecrackers dare to throw now and then some of their toys in an attempt to frighten them out of their (the tiny group’s) country…I’m sorry, that’s incredible, unreal, insane, etc., and I’m sure that everybody deep inside know that it’s absurd even though they say otherwise for reasons best known to themselves… “Excesses”!!! I’d rather say GENOCIDE, CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

>“…the fact remains that all too much of the Quran and Hidith are focused upon fear, death, hell, and demands for submission to authority--not simply that of the Deity but the authority of those who claim to understand best what the Deity demands of his slaves” = its Hadith and not Hidith… and, ha ha, sorry, but we’re speaking here about MY religion, so please don’t try to say what it’s not true… The only “submission” we must follow is that to Allah and his Prophet Mohammed (saaws). We have no pope or any so called divinely ordained person to be the intermediary between Allah and us; there’s no better than direct contact with God I assure you^^

>“One can not help but notice that the crowds filling streets of various countries calling for "death to" are comprised solely of Muslims. The same can be said of those who wear suicide vests, drive explosive laden trucks into soft targets and fly aircraft into buildings filled with civilians.” = yes you’re right; those “crowds” CALL ‘death to’; others kill silently without any warning, by bombarding civilians, paying/indoctrinating desperate/ poor/ unintelligent/ violent/ outcast people to commit atrocities against their own kin… I’m sure you understand what I mean (CIA, Mossad, etc…)

>“The Geek is well aware of the Islamist driven terror and death in your own country--some 100,000 dead during the Nineties. He has also studied and written about your country's War of Independence with a particular emphasis upon the use of terror by FLN and counter terror by the Pieds Noirs and French forces. So the Geek is well aware that death and fear are not the sole possession or attribute of Islam.” = oh thanks, but I’m better acquainted with the history of MY own country than you. And the red decade we lived through the 1990’s has caused more than 150.000 dead and believe me it’s much more complicated than you’ve put it. And our War of Independence has caused more than a million and a half dead in the Algerian side in only 7 years and a half.

“BTW The Geek's lectures in both academic and non-academic environments went quite well, thank you.” = mmm GREAT! But I was referring to the statement in your profile “Lectured widely to service academies and senior schools on these subjects with limited success”.

>“One can only hope (and pray if so inclined) that the High Minded, Lofty Thinking will not be as potent an ally as Hamas calculates.” = Oh yes! I see now that you’re a REAL objective historian, not siding with Israel at all but giving a balanced analysis of the situation! Good job, carry on.

As always, may God open your eyes to the truth and show you the right path Incha'Allah.

Lilia from Algeria

"And in their [the earlier prophets] footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the law that had come before him. We sent him the Gospel, therein was guidance and light and confirmation of the law that had come before him, a guidance and an admonition to those who fear God." ~ Qur’an, Chapter 5, Verse 46

"Say ye: 'We believe in God and the revelation given to us and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord. We make no difference between one and another of them, and we bow to God. " ~ Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verse 136

“Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness,- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” ~ Qur’an 5.69.

“The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr” ~ Prophet Mohammad (Saaws)

“Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them” ~ Prophet Mohammad (Saaws)

“Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first” ~ Prophet Mohammad (Saaws)

“The greatest crimes are to associate another with God, to vex your father and mother, to murder your own species, to commit suicide, and to swear to lie” ~ Prophet Mohammad (Saaws)

“Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots” ~ Prophet Mohammad (Saaws)

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ~ Aristotle