Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pakistani Cleric: Allah Says Democracy Sucks

The other day the Islamabad government signed a deal with the Taliban of Malakand which includes Swat, the one time money making resort area of the country which has recently been a field of dreams and killing. The dreams were those of Taliban. The killing was reserved for those who opposed the dream.

The duly elected "democratic" regime headed by President Zardari committed itself to allow the use of Sharia in the contested region where the Pakistani army has shown itself to be either unwilling or unable to defeat the jihadists of Mullah Fazlullah. The deal was actually signed by Fazlullah's father-in-law, Sufi Muhammad.

Muhammad is reputed to be a "moderate." His love of moderation is shown by his having taken several hundred or more jihadists into Afghanistan in order to fight the Americans and others of the United Crusader and Apostate Force. After his capture Muhammad was released by the Pakistani government. This was done, allegedly at least, as a gesture of good will and reconciliation to the Islamists.

Due to Muhammad's purported moderation, the elected government of Pakistan assures the US and others among the skeptical that the agreement with Muhammad and, presumably, Fazlullah, is neither a concession to the Islamists nor a tacit admission of defeat in Swat and the rest of Malakand. Rather, the glib government spokesmen maintain that the "Lite" version of Sharia to be practiced in Swat will both defang the "extremists" and streamline the civil and criminal justice systems.

Right. Don't you just feel the trust?

Sufi Muhammad is not a man who is given to moderation. Consider his informed theological judgement on the value of democracy in the eyes of good Muslims such as himself. "From the very beginning, I have viewed democracy as a system imposed on us by the infidels. Islam does not allow democracy or elections." Assuming the German press agency quoted the man correctly that seems rather absolute.

Sufi Muhammad's perspective is not unique to him. Rather it is inherent to a broad stream of Islamic jurisprudence. Further it is compatible with the sweep of Islamic history and the practices of many--if not most--Islamic states.

As a True Believer in the One True Faith, Sufi Muhammad well understands that Islam is the world's most authoritarian and totalistic religion. There is no room in the chains of obedience and submission for democracy as Muhammad and others like him understand their faith. There is only room for utter and total submission to the dictates of dogma and the strictures of Sharia--as interpreted by men such as Muhammad and Fazlullah.

This belief system explains perfectly the view of Taliban held by Sufi Muhammad. Ready?
I believe the Taliban government formed a complete Islamic state, which was an ideal example for other Muslim countries. Had this government remained intact, it could have led to the establishment of similar Islamic governments in many other countries.
That about says it all. And, remember, Sufi Muhammad is reputed to be "moderate" in comparison to his presumably fire-breathing son-in-law.

Fazlullah has not yet allowed that he accepts the old man's deal with the apostates in Islamabad even though he declared a ten day ceasefire. The ceasefire will be observed by the Pakistani army (as though anyone will notice a difference.) Fazlullah has, however, demanded that the toothless Pakistani army withdraw completely from Swat and environs.

The army may not be packing up yet. But a lot of the local population is. Swat has already lost half or more of its pre-fight population as people have voted with their feet. Not all that many people are happy with the idea of Sharia. Apparently they are not thrilled with more stonings, decapitations, other summary executions. It seems that a life devoid of the small pleasures of life is not all that appealing to all.

The joyless, mirthless, songless, school-less (at least for girls) world of the Taliban dream obviously does not charm all those in Swat. So they leave. Leave their homes. Exit their past. Discard years, generations of life, hope, human dreams, and a human history. Better, it seems, to become rootless refugees than face the World According To Taliban.

The problem facing the US and its partners in the mountain morass of Afghanistan is simply this: Is the World of Taliban in Swat going to become the World of Taliban in Pakistan?

It is self-evident that Muhammad and his son-in-law, Fazlullah, believe it will and that is how matters should be. They see the apostate, democratically elected government in Islamabad as a sheep to be slaughtered.

And, with this agreement, the sheep has handed the knife to its butcher.

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