Saturday, August 1, 2009

Clinton's Confusion--Saudi Arabia Isn't A Vassal

President Obama and SecState Clinton are practicing a foreign policy (that term is used in its loosest sense) that should be titled, "The Audacity of Arrogance." It's chief features are an equal mix of overbearing insistence for compliance and a snivelling willingness to agree with the positions of others.

The Obama administration has been ordering Israel around with a degree of imperial disdain for the locals which is breathtaking. Not even the administration of Bush/Cheney, which was scarcely known for its humility, tried that--even with Russia, the country they liked to kick. Even at the worst moments of those-who-are-not-with-us-are-against-us self-importance, the neocon ninnies seemed loath to dictate a country's internal policies.

The Obama-Clinton attitude of unchallenged and unchallengeable superiority is seen as well in our "policy" regarding Honduras. When even the Nicaraguan Vice President, Jaime Morales, has advised Sr Zelaya to pack it in, that he ain't going back as prez, the Obama-Clinton Axis of Arrogance insists that the Hondurans take back their constitutionally valid act of presidential removal.

But, what the heck, Honduras, like Israel is heavily dependent upon us, so we ought to be able to order them around. And, have those ingrates obey, damn it!

At the polar opposite, the Obama-Clinton foreign policy duo cringes in the best servile way before the Chinese. The administration is quite willing to accept "affirmative action" in the Great Climate Change Charade. Both Mr Obama and Ms Clinton believe in liberal guilt. They feel it. They both believe that penance is necessary--for Americans, that is. China can go on spewing carbon atoms beyond count. That's OK. We Americans are guilty. We must pay the price by doing with less and paying more. By losing jobs and industries.

Of course, those filled with liberal guilt will not pay as much as the rest of us. Nor will they suffer the other consequences of penance.

Now the real deal is simply that China holds 800 billion dollars of our Treasury Notes and Bills as well as other securities. The expansive agenda of the Obama administration and its colleagues of the Progressive Caucus demands the Chinese keep on buying our IOUs.

So, China is not a vassal state. It will not do what we order it to do. Rather, it is us who must comply with the new realities, accommodate ourselves to the altered nature of the US-PRC relation. That is just jake with Mr Obama and Ms Clinton both of whom believe to the depths of their left ventricle enhanced hearts that nationalism, national interest, national sovereignty are deadly evil relics of the past--as far as the US is concerned.

It's OK for China to be nationalist, to act in its national interest, to defend its national sovereignty against creeping globalism. But not the US.

Comes now Saudi Arabia in the person of the Kingdom's ForMin, Prince Saud al-Faisal. With the Secretary of State right there by his side, the Prince gave an absolute, firm, complete, total, final, utterly without compromise, nyet to the mild, not to say, meek, American suggestion that maybe, perhaps, the Saudis might lead off in symbolic gestures to Israel such as overflight rights for the Israeli national airline. The Geek used the Russian form of "no" as the Saudi prince had the same grim, set, obdurate expression and manner of the old Soviet diplomats of the most frozen days of the Cold War.

When pressed very hard and repeatedly as to whether the ForMin's attitude made the administration's task tougher, SecState Clinton said that it did not. She said it with what appeared to be a straight face and earnest tome.


Of course the stance of the House and Kingdom Built On Sand And Oil makes the job of finding a comprehensive peace settlement far more difficult. For sheer cussed obstinacy and intransigence, the Saudis have few (if any) peers. Israel is difficult. The Arabs, particularly those of the Saudi state, are quite impossible.

The Kingdom and all those Arab/Muslim states which fall in line behind the Keeper of the Two Holy Places will not be satisfied until and unless Israel gives up all the fruits of the Six Day War. They will not give the slightest compromise unless and until the Israelis withdraw all 300,000 of its citizens from the towns built since 1967. Unless and until the physical plant is turned over lock, stock, and barrel to the Arabs of Palestine and the last Jew high tails it to the other side of that artifice of 1949, the Green Line.

While that stance is not palatable to the 224 Congresswallahs who recently sent a letter to the king of Saudi Land pointing out the reality that compromise is a two-way street, it is just fine with Ms Clinton and Mr Obama. After all, the US needs the oil. More than that, the grand plans of the Agenda For Transformation needs the sovereign wealth funds of Saudi Arabia and other oil shiekdoms to buy T-Notes and Bills.

This means that Saudi Arabia is not a vassal state. Like China it is OK for the House of Saud to pursue self-defined national interest and act like a sovereign state.

Israel and Honduras are vassals in the Obama-Clinton view. Saudi Arabia and China are not. It is justified to order the vassals around. But, it is not possible to do the same with those whose money is central to the progressive agenda.

Or, to err on the side of accuracy, the Obama-Clinton post-modernist view holds that nationalism, national interest, and national sovereignty are bad, very bad for the US. And, for the vassals of the US. These same features are simply wonderful when exhibited by China, Saudi Arabia, and perhaps some other countries which will be identified over time.

It is enough to induce projectile vomit. And, that's a fact, Jack.

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